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Monthly Archives: June 2011

Gotta give it up to the PR x Stylists for Braddah Jake.  When he first jumped on the scene he was all local boy out.  Just wear whatevers and collect the Na Hoku’s with Pure Heart.  Then Pure Heart broke up and BLAM…Jake went super Metro and started to rock out with his **** out.  Gone were the glasses, in came the contacts.  No more typical Japanese spiked jel hair – in came the emo shag look.  Chilled out local look, GONE – in came tight pants and emo cut shirts.  Ain’t no shame in his game, he is killing it in Japan and is Hawaii’s ambassador of the Uke!   Get em brah, but if you start buying girl pants, its ova!




How i would love to do a huge block buster on this wall.  I wish i did one before they buffed the whole thing. Watching people paint gets you itchy especially when you know the feeling.  Well, i don’t know the feeling of doing a legal wall, but the feeling of running the streets against all odds.  Those were the fun times, i hardly mention it to the “real” writers i hang with.  I don’t wanta kook it up.  You never know you might see some unknown name _  _  _ starting to appear. Yes!

We got an intern! How this happened, idk. It just did.  Homie came up to the tent at Eat the Street and asked if we hire interns. One thing lead to another and now we have our first intern.  Things i explained was that your Family & Job come first, those are the things you should handle before you do anything for us.  Second, we don’t get paid its all for the love, as much as other companies, shops, etc say “its for the Love” it really aint.  Everyone that works with us know that we do it for the love and if we do make money really not that much or it gets put back into the company.  From Designers, Producers, Artists, DJ’s, MC’s, Writers, all of them come to us with an understanding that what we do is greater than the one project and its great to know that majority of these talented individuals go on to make their passion/love into a career.  Welcome our new intern. Don’t Sleep.

We just finished up INERTiA 8.  I remember we started INERTiA it wasn’t even called that, we did it at the end of a Church Youth Conference at the Hyatt in Waikiki.  The response we had was over whelming so we moved it to UH the second year, then to Momilani Elementary, Fresh Cafe, now we at Hope Chapel West Oahu.  At times i wonder… should i try and BLOW this event up and make it HUGE?  You know like every other battle; Freestyle Sessions, B-Boy City, Outbreak, IBE, etc…but that would take $$$ and take a lot of the fun out of throwing a jam.  Besides all the loot we make goes to help the Youth Summer Camps.   One great think about INERTiA is that it is a sure shot, you know you gonna get a Jam in May.

This past Jam the Red Eye Jedi’s won the 3 vs 3 and moved on to Win Freestyle Session – Hawaii.  For some reason i was super stoked, it was like i felt validated that all the hard work that we put into INERTiA had paid off.  The fact that the crew that won at INERTiA was the same that took it all at FSS and now will be flown up to LA for FSS, awesome!  That is just one perk out of the many that INERTiA has given me.  So thank you too all the volunteers, churches, b-boys, heads, spectators, and anyone else that made this possible.  God Bless.